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ikki5 said:

 So wait... let me see if I understand this correctly. Two games, plus an upgraded 3DS that doesn't have amazing sales, is enough to take on a year and a half old system (still basically new) that has had the majority of their games in the top 10 for the last few weeks now, not just two and people start to lose their minds when it does over take it the 4 yr old system... Not to mention that the price doesn't really mean anything otherwise we'd see the Wii U doing a lot better as the Wii U is cheaper.... I still don't follow your logic very well


I don't think MM has had that much of an effect since there's been 2 Zelda games already, BUT a new model that was hyped up and desired as much as new 3DS is a big boost.  I'm not saying it's going to continue to help it but the month that it launches is such a big boost for any new model.  Come on the launch week of the new 3DS is the only reason it's close right now.

I am Iron Man