Pavolink said:
I believe you don't have to base your prediction solely on that. There are very frontloaded games, especially Zelda games like Skyward Sword which sold 3.42M in its first month and LTD is not even 4M untl now. I tend to believe that Majora's Mask 3D will be this kind of frontloaded Zelda and won't have legs as Ocarina of Time 3D. |
You using VGChartz number, agree?
If it is, VGChartz massive undertracked this game.
Nintendo have confirmed 3,420,000 first month, as you said, but VGChartz have this game at around 2,700,000 in the same period.
We don't have the Nintendo official number's, and considering that VGChartz is nothing withoth the official sales, i think that +5M for SkyWard Sword is already happen... maybe even 6,000,000, or maybe 10,000,000 (ok, maybe nope :P) but withouth official numbber's, who know!