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Yeah. I don't want to get into the whole war between Guitar Hero and Rock Band again, as i probably wrote over 100k words on the matter between 2007 and 2010, but it can be said without a shadow of a doubt that Rock Bandis better. As said, it's made by the people who created guitar Hero (Harmonix), has a better interface and better game feel, as well as a far, far, far superior setlist. Not only do you get whatever is going to be on-disc for Rock Band 4, but you can spend 5 dollars, borrow Rock Band 1 from a friend, and export 55/58 of the original tracklist's songs (some of which are, to this day, still the best offered on the platform such as The Who's Won't Get Fooled again and Boston's Foreplay/Long Time).

Plus there;s a 15 dollar game called Rock Band Blitz that has 25 pretty good songs on it, for 15 bucks, and all the tracks export into the DLC pool.

Green Day Rock Band, Rock Band 2, and Lego Rock Band all export as well.

MY point is, you can, for a modest price, end up with about 150 songs for like 80 bucks. 60 for the main game, plus 5 for the RB1 Export, and 15 for Blitz....assuming RB4 has 75 or so songs on it.

And that's not to mention the massive, massive volume of available songs for download. Even if you only get 1/100 songs, that'll still end up giving you like, 21 absolutely amazingly perfect songs on top of the on-disc setlist.

With guitar hero, Activision didn't really have the forward thinking attitude HArmonix had. Exports from band-centric games would only give like half the songs, DLC sometimes wouldn't transfer forward to the following game (only a very select few RB DLC tracks didn't do this), and the game was more silly and simplified. The toonish nature of it, right down to the little flames that erupted when you hit notes, just made Guitar Hero feel 'off'.

So yeah, now that we have a stronger HArmonix, and we have full support on PS4/Xbone, pick it up on PS4, and enjoy. You'll have a far better time.

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