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**In-thread warning**

For asking this question and even considering fearing I probably am considered racist by some people so I guess I am supposed to be sorry for you guys. So why am I asking this question, well the answer is demographics Europe shelters quite a few imigrants these days, especially france, germany, brittain and The Netherlands (where I am from, you know that racist and stoned country where everyone drives on a bike). So that is very nice of these countries right except there is one little problem.

The problem is that those fled/immigrated people reproduce more than the initial citizens in Germany, Belgium, Britain, Austria etc. is going downwards or will be in a few years. In Europe people are litterary fished out of the sea to live in Europe, since we barely watch our borders. So as the numbers of mainly muslim immigrants grow there influence in politics is getting bigger for instance let's say the total amount of those people is 5% in Europe after 50 years that might be 15-20% considering the hellhole the middle east is these days.

If there rises a party especially for those people and they will get many votes our rules will change and slowly but surely Europe will' become more Islamic. With a small party of immigrated muslims antiseminism is already climbing through the roof in Europe and I fear the worst for the jews as massive ammounts are already emigrating to Israel and not being to much fan of muslims anymore for obvious reasons. Not saying they are right, but if you need a bulletproof vest to go to a synagoge and the state doesn't give a shits about you, I kind a get it. Besides mosques are rising everywhere and some ministers are already considering that arabic should be teached in Dutch schools, perhaps not a terrible Idea since many imigrated family's refuse to learn Dutch and my mother is amaternity nurse and regulary experiences a huge language barrier. 

If islamic parties get a bigger saying and there laws will find there way in Europe we might lose our friendship with the United States or the relations will at least be cooled down since our politics will become different and the freedom of speach is already being discussed in Europe due to recent attacks. Israel is probably going to hate us Russia does already, the Middle East isn't and never wll become our allies, didn't care for world war 2 either except turkey. So millitairy we will be an easy target to be invaded by Russia, which will gain more influence over Europe then they already've since the US and Canada will care less if a big cultural difference will be created between them and Europe and I doubt they would like to risk a nucleair war, nor should they.
So what do you think, should Europe close their eyes for this demographic trend and accept the islamism of the continent, with all the problems which will come forward of it since different cultures living amongst eachother results in tension especially jews and muslims. Or should we act and defend our borders like the US and Australia I would like Europe to be a full western continent in 2100 like North America but with the current policy of letting more than 275.000 immigrants which are almost all muslim I doubt whether that is possible?
So is my fear of the Islam justified or am I a racist Islamophobic asshole? 

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar