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Goodnightmoon said:
Soundwave said:

There won't be an Animal Crossing U. The producer in an interview was already wavering on the prospect saying the franchise works better on handhelds (and sells better too).

It will be a launch title for the next handheld. And will sell at least 2x the copies (long term) as a result.

No-brainer move for Nintendo.

Wii U is getting Splatoon from the AC team anyway.

That´s just a fact, he is not saying anything. They need better WiiU sales on Japan and they know that an animal crossing U would make a huge boost on WiiU sales.

Mario Kart and Smash Brothers didn't cause a huge boost in Wii U sales in Japan. Animal Crossing won't either. 

It's much more important for Nintendo to have a fast start with their next platform anyway, mindlessly throwing IP at the Wii U at this stage is hoenstly just poor asset management. What's done is done, sinking more assets in their black hole called the Wii U isn't smart. 

It is going to be Nintendo worst selling console worldwide and in Japan. Nothing is changing that. Not Mario, not Zelda, not Smash Brothers, not Animal Crossing, not Mario Kart. Nothing. The sooner Nintendo accepts this the better off their future will be and the more prepared they can be for the next hardware cycle. 

If their next handheld/Fusion platform has a poor launch like the 3DS and Wii U did ... they can pack it up as far as I'm concerned and apply to start making games for Sony/MS because they simply have no business being in the modern hardware market. You can't be that sloppy/incompetent. 

Animal Crossing and the next 3D Mario should both be earmarked for the next handheld launch window. Sorry Wii U you had your chance and you blew it. Be happy that you're still getting IP like Zelda and Star Fox at least.