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Esiar said:
Aeolus451 said:


  1. Subjective Definition

    adj. adjective

    • 1. Dependent on or taking place in a person's mind rather than the external world.
    • 2. Based on a given person's experience, understanding, and feelings; personal or individual.admitted he was making a highly subjective judgment.
    • 3. Not caused by external stimuli.
    1. Hypocrisy Definition

      n. noun

      • 1. The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness.
      • 2. An act or instance of such falseness.

What I said in that specific comment isn't subjective or hypocritical.

That's right but your op is hypocritical and subje ctive but you keep repeating the same line of thought to replies so I figured you should know the definitions of those two important words. What's a waste of time or not is subjective. 

You said:

"Flaming people over different opinions is childish."


"I don't flame people for their opinions. I usually criticize their opinions, not the person themselves."

when you said stuff like:

"All of you waste your time."
"Predicting the sales of games we don't even need to play is childish."
It's a hobby for foolish people. It's more silly than thinking that a snowball could land in Hell!"

You were insulting/flaming people over their different opinion/way of life than yours. I'm sure I remember something in bible about god hating hypocrites. I forgot which part but I'm sure the punishment for it was worse than hell. I would rethink your methods of spreading the word and what you think a christian really is. I have no problem with anyone trying to spread their religion on here or in RL but I draw the line with the insults.