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Actually, what surprises me most about this interview has nothing to do with the interviewee: while I personally find his attitude silly, he's more than entitled to say and do what he wants. If he thinks the Wii is beneath him, then its his loss (in more ways than one).

No, what disgusts me so much is the guy from IGN. I'm not sure if he's one of the glorified bloggers who claim to be a "journalist", but his rush to jump on the anti-Wii bandwagon is pretty disgraceful for someone who's theoretically supposed to be a neutral interviewer. We wouldn't tolerate that type of nonsense if a news reporter started mocking the opponents of whatever person or politician he was interviewing, and I don't think we should have to put up with it from a "professional" website. Let this Capps fellow continue his attempt to make graphics prettier, but for goodness sakes people in the press should be held to some minimal standard if they expect to be taken seriously.