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Insidb said:
super_etecoon said:

As mentioned before, I just used the top 9 franchises that people already chose for their favorites. The poll is for 2nd favorite. That seems the fairest way. Uncharted only had 1 vote already and Castelvania hasn't even made an entry yet.  Picking a favorite isn't just like being a fan of a franchise.  It means that above all others that franchise is king.  It doesn't appear that you've made a selection for your favorite franchise.  Would you like to make one of those yours?

I already voted, but I also read your main site headline and not the thread headline.

Where's the link to the first poll? I'm really curious to see it, because these are heavy hitters to fall off the first list.

The original poll didn't have any games in it.  It was more a place for people to complain about having to pick a favorite.  That is, it was a 4 answer question asking how hard it was to choose.  I don't see your pick for favorite franchise.  Feel free to comment with it and I'll add it.  The poll that is up now is for your 2nd favorite franchise.