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Mystro-Sama said:

Ok, I don't really make threads like this but something needs to be said about this. I've been playing this game for a couple days now and It's just flat out amazing. It's almost perfect in every aspect, from visuals to lore to gameplay to content. It just grabs you and pulls you into a world with SOOO much  to do that it's almost overwhelming. There are small side quests and missions with their own specific areas with different things to discover. And the scenery... Oh the scenery is just gorgeous, especially forest areas with streams. I don't even remember how many screenshots I took. All this topped off by an engaging and satisfying combat system.

And not so long ago I was beginning to feel like I didn't have fun play games anymore. I would literally just play games because they were there and I paid for them and they were in my cupboard. Now I can't wait to turn on my PS4 and play DA:I. I know EA fucks up a lot but they really redeemed themselves with this one. Hats off to Bioware.


Did anyone else really like this game this much or am I just crazy?

EA will continue to as far as their philosophy is concerned. They are just smart about which companies they acquire. I was hoping Microsoft would've purchased Bioware. Sony would've been screwed if that had happened. 

Yeah, Dragon Age Inqusition brought back to the DA franchise again. I played part two but compared to Inquisition it was ok. If you like WRPG's then brace yourself for the Witcher 3, which is coming soon.