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RolStoppable said:
Because then people would complain that it's too hard to get the equivalent of 1,000 Gamerscore/Platinum Trophy.

If you need achievements in every game you play, you should think about why you are even playing games in the first place. You are pretty much saying that you wouldn't be a gamer if there weren't any achievements.

I'm some one who likes trophies enough to belong to vgchartz trophy league , I didn't  join from a competitive standpoint , since  I don't go out of my way to complete them once I finish a game , I like to use it to see what others are playing and their thoughts also it's a good place to help or to be helped with games.

Some people take it to extremes most don't, then again that happens with most things, like those who play say fighting games for fun and just to unlock each character and their story arc  , as opposed to those who look at fighting games in terms of the number of frames between each animation , you will always get people taking things to the nth degree it doesn't mean that either isn't getting enjoyment out of the game.

I think most people where gamers long before achievments came along and see them as just a nice addition ,  I play on all the main gaming systems so them being there or not doesn't worry me , I like to use them to look back they can give you a nice reference point to your gaming .

To me the problem isn't achievements but the fact that you don't get a choice about there  use if Nintendo does go for their own version of achievements I would like to see every game having an on off option.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot