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Cloudman said:
Kerotan said:
Cloudman said:
Kerotan said:
Blob said:
an achievement system would sell more games on their console bringing in more money. the only people who think it would be a bad idea are those who personally don't like achievements. the reality is it's just another missing feature that the other consoles have putting nintendo behind.

wouldnt call it the glorious be all and end all though lol

pretty much this. it's not a big deal on it's own but when added with all the other missing features it is. Many people will say they don't care and don't need it but if Nintendo launch them with their next console many of these same people will love them and realisewhat they were missing out on. If you have gotten a few platinums on pS3 but you also love gaming on nintendo you'd know how sweet it would be platinuming some of nintendos best games like mario, zelda etc. 

I feel I can answer this, as I play majorly on Ninten consoles and got a PS3 at a later time. I did enjoy getting plats for awhile, but that joy slowly went away and became a chore. I suffered burn out and haven't gotten back to my PS3 since the last game I plat. Even seeing what some of the requirements are for colmpleting certain challenges turn me away from games I would otherwise possibly give a chance.

I never did think about getting plats on Ninten's games, nor did I want any. I just thought about how great the games were and how much I wanted to finish them. I've completed their games not for trophies but because the game was so enjoyable I wanted to complete it. The joy of the game were far more important than collecting trophies to reach a certain quota. Maybe others may agree with you, but I just had to throw in my 2 cents on this comment.

That's even worse than the people who buy games just for plats.  They are clearly not for you so instead of just ignoring them you did something you didn't like and now you just ignore games on a system you bought.  Forgive me but that's crazy. 

Usually when something like a trophy system is introduced to me, I feel the need to complete them, and when every game has that, it makes me want to complete it, but I can't do that due to time, so it's a little off putting. It starts to feel like work rather than playing the game for fun, so I just lose interest. It be better for me if they just didn't exist and I just play the game for what it is, but they are there and I can't forget them, which kind of dampens the whole experience.

You are doing gaming wrong my friend! I'd still play all the same games if they didn't exist.  But games I really enjoy playing like gta 5 and payday 2 or even ngs2 and mgs3 I get the platinum platinums for them.