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Nintendo have stated that for many of their titles it doesn't bring anything to the gameplay, that it's just an arbitrary checklist. They are also not a fan of forcing their developers to create useless achievements just for the sake of having them in their game.

Nintendo tends to do achievements on a game by game basis via unlocks. In Mario Kart 8, you achieved well in races you earn yourself a stamp to use on Miiverse, Smash Bros since Brawl has had the challenge blocks system which unlock a smash trophy or gameplay element once you achieve it. Achievements in Nintendo are very rarely just bragging rights like they are in a lot of other games. Hyrule Warriors does the traditional achievement style, but that's because the game was made by Tecmo Koei.

NNID: TanukiTrooper - PSN: MatrosRx - STEAM: TanukiTrooper