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I'm thinking that if the people who think "more options is better" then why don't we have it where all consoles are exactly the same, where every console has the same hardware, features and options, more hte merrier right?, where's the problem in having everything being the same?, now before you go full on "stahp grasping at straws", you must understand that first those that want the same on the system they own on another system are in effect wanting the other system to play and operate the same as the other, the more "good" features there on one one system or another, you naturally want to combine features from each platform you like, then of course once you;ve gotten to that stage everything may as well be the same since you wanted all the features together as one, even on different platforms it would still count as being the same, so having more options on everything makes it all the same and not everyone likes everything being exactly the same.

I used to like getting gamerscore on my 360 years ago, same with getting higher gear score on WoW but after a few years I realised those tiny achievements that others would get ended up meaning nothing to me, they didn't affect how my life went on a daily basis, they didn't make me feel like I just won the lotto or gained some new super power or got a bj from some celeb, they just didn't make me feel awesome ebcause deep down they don't mean anything, you are just being patted on the back for doing a simple action on a piece of plastic like eevryone else and you are being conditioned into thinking that's a great and okay thing, instead of going out into the world and really going out of your way to achieve something very few people can do or something that means more than a few numbers or a shiny icon on a piece of plastic, real life achievements will always have much more value and meaning than a mere few digital numbers and icons, that's just a fact, before consoles real life achievements were the norm and still are, they hold much more value because actual real unique effort was put into getting them, you can say the same about a game but it's not the same as real life, it's just not and it;s sad when people don't realise the difference.

I don't really care if they add them in or not, I just find them a pointless feature compared to actually playing and enjoying what the game has to offer other than "congrats for completing action #245!", having the feature to stream or take snap shots seems more worthwhile than a few numbers, since both features serve multiple uses and deliver differently than numbers.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"