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oniyide said:
theprof00 said:
oniyide said:

as much as i wish that to be true I see no evidence for that. The series has stayed pretty much the same sales wise since OOT, hell it even dropped a bit

I'll answer you with another question. Which game is better. Twilight princess or skyward sword? Why do you think TP doubled SS in sales? Metacritic has a 3 point difference between the two.

wish you would just answer me straight but ill play along. I personally thought TP was better BUT that didnt stop me from getting SS so i honestly am not sure where you are going with that. By rights SS should have done as well as TP for the fact that it was released on the system when it had a bigger install base. Maybe it having to be Motion+ required held it back, but if your a fan of the series or you got a Wii later you would have that device anyway. 

I think TP is better but thats my opinion

Here is the answer to the question though: the reason Twilight Princess sold so well is because it went back to the OOT art style.