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theprof00 said:
Aeolus451 said:
theprof00 said:
im not saying the gaming market consumers are wrong, im saying nintendo fans dont support their franchises. But im glad u replied because theres another point to address here. And the issue is that nintendo does make great gameplay, but they havent done enough. The marios and zeldas and metrpids of the future are going to be made by independant devs. The one thing that separates indies from studios in the current era, is the funding. And even that is changing.
Look at the examples I put forth. Gta halo cod uncharted.
These are games with almost limitless monetary backing. And the sales show.
these kinds of games are the style nowadays.
and the problem definitely resides within the nintendo fanbase.
you don't have to look any further than new super mario wii and ds.
One commercial with that first level and boom, the fans eat it right up.
and thats because nintendo has won the hearts of thier consumers, but not the passion.
there is passion for those other franchises because they wow the current market. And that will change too eventually, but nintendo fans dont go out and buy the new Zelda. They go out and buy their first zelda.

Using a phone? I'm glad that I noticed your reply. Personally, I don't believe in supporting a series or a dev whenever a game comes out unless I'm geniunely interested in that game. I have to disagree with you on "supporting". It's a bad idea/habit.

It's up to the devs/publishers to make a game that will appeal to me and to market it to me. If they don't then I won't buy it. Nintendo has forgotten that proverbial truth. I'm not married to 'em. Neither is any gamer. We're not gonna support them through thick and thin. The games need to be appealing or they won't sell well. If the games aren't appealing then the console won't sell.

Yes, nintendo needs to market their games/console but first they need something to market. How about a lot of new IP's that appeal to adults outside of the nintendo fanbase? Xbone is not that far out of reach for 'em. 

Just for clarification, I don't play any games from these series anymore because the individual games don't appeal to me and haven't evolved as a series for the most part. Cod, assassin's creed, battlefield, zelda, mario related games, god of war, elder scrolls/fallout (if they keep releasing glitchy & broken), devil may cry, resident evil. That's all I can think of at the moment. Yes, I don't play a lot of the 3rd party games from established series. I used to play 'em but the fundamental issues I had with the games never changed or that the series just got boring over time. 


haha I was using a phone, nice catch.

It's a two part problem.
Nintendo has indeed lost focus on what they need to do. However, they are getting back on track, I believe with amiibo and the "return to the core". Nintendo knows, as I've known, that disruption cannot continue. I predicted this way back when

I said they are going to be releasing some awesome games, but because of their focus on hitting the casual audience, it's going to crap the system. I also said in another thread (many others) that disruption can only last for so long. I often asked, "after wii, what can you possibly change to innovate". I often derided the vitality sensor, and hoped they would return to the core. Even Iwata had hoped that wiiU would reintroduce the core

But the problem is the exact same problem that x1 is going through right now. You can't target EVERY demographic. They stretched themselves thin by trying to do both, and it's cost them. PS4 on the other hand did just a simple console with casual software features like web2.0 stuff. Traditional controller, no real major changes.

Anyway, back to the point, they need to focus on what the current market likes. They like traditional core games with a casualized edge. Look at all the most popular games right now. THey're all a casualized version of a more core game. Those rts phone games, hearthstone, cod, etc. They're all very pick up and play where pretty much anyone can jump in and have fun. Metroid other M was not this. Look at the plethora of metroidvania games coming out on steam. There's a suite of them. Gamers WANT it, but they want something more modernized than simple platforming.

On one hand, you're right, a gamer shouldn't support a game just because it's in their franchise. However, turning it around, it's the company's job to make gamers want to buy the game in their franchise, REGARDLESS of their preferences. If a new Tropico comes out, and people say it's not that good, I will STILL get it because it's my favorite city builder.

However, onto the second part of the problem:
Nintendo doesn't make bad games. So it's not like people aren't supporting the game because it's bad. They're not supporting because they've stopped caring. Like I said, look at New Super Mario Bros wii and ds. Almost 30m in sales. 26m to be accurate. Galaxy barely broke 11m. Is it because galaxy is bad? No. Galaxy is a GREAT mario game. THe problem is, Super Mario 1 for the NES has their fans by the balls. Like I said, people I know will see mario, and instead of buying the new game, will go out and buy a used nintendo and mario 3. Because that is where their heart is. Nintendo has lost the Passion of their gamers. Do you understand what I'm trying to say here? Call of Duty fans will rush out and buy 5m first day. Activision has their audience by the "dick". It's a sad fact, but it's true. Nintendo has the heart, but the new ips have the balls.

Nintendo will be most successful if they can make people want to support their games. Making good games alone is not enough. There are hundreds of good games on steam and they are quality. Honestly, I think N is too polite. I think they're too humble. They need to be aggressive and exciting.

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