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There is another arguement here which is why some games are linear, short and not to different to The Order but recieve much higher scores.

If I was a Dev on the order and my game got torn to shreds when other games got away, I would be pissed to.

I played Bayonetta 2 recently and I completed it in under 8hrs, and I done almost a dozen of the secret rooms. The game was incredibly short, barely had a story, dialogue was seriously lacking and the soundtrack was horrendous yet it was given almost full scores universally. I'm not saying it was bad, but there are times when reviewers lack consistency in their reviews. I didn't play it again, I had no need so longevity isn't even the issue here.

Another game was Vanquish with cut and paste bosses, enemies, zero story, cut and paste QTE's, 5-6 hour campaign and again very little replayability for your average gamer, again almost perfect scores.

Why doesn't length, presentation, sound, longevity, story, dialogue and gameplay matter then? I'm not disagreeing and saying these were bad games as I bought and played both and thoroughly enjoyed them, again in just merely pointing out the hypocrisy and inconsistencies.

If I were a developer and I got screwed like this whilst other games got a free pass, I would be pissed to. Essentially you are paying someone to be unjust, biased and to screw you whilst you sit and be told to smile away.