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Solid jimquisiton. He's right. People are so focused on run time that they don't see the real problems that The Order has, which is only exacerbated by a short play time.

The Order aside, if digital titles were more prominent in consoles, we could see developers being more flexible with their prices. I admit, i much prefer hard copies over digital but I can see myself going for digital if some of these AAA only devs start being more worried about the cost of gaming, not just the cost of making a game. I almost cant blame them, they are trying to make a living we have to meet each other half way at some point.

EDIT: The value for a game should be dictated by the actual player, not reviewers and angry anti-[insert one of the big three] telling us what we can spend our money on without it being a goddamn waste (granted, reviewers are not ihenrently out to stop people from buying specific games...unless a game is horribly fucking terrible like Sonic Boom)

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian