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Sony pretty much advertised the thing until it was ingrained into peoples minds that you had to have a PS4. I remember I couldn't go to any video on a gaming site without hearing that one lady saying 'All my friends who are gamers are getting a PS4.' Show a bunch of dudes in a line and cheering and you get the feeling you have to have it. This stuff Nintendo never did or did not do enough. In this sense Sony crushed Nintendo.

Nintendo is right in that the games speak for themselves, and they do. Its all over the metacritic what Nintendo games can do. But they didn't advertise that way to the core gamer. They never showed the lines at Nintendo World for Bayonetta 2, or the release for Hyrule Warriors limited edition party. Or the videos for the little girl who destroyed all in Smash. There were tons of places they should have advertised like madmen that shows gamers just how enjoyable it is to play a Nintendo console.

At this point Sony can release critical flop after critical flop and it won't hurt them. Their games will sell regardless. Sony has nothing to fear and this generation is theirs. I honestly doubt that anything will swing it in any other direction. There's really no point in arguing about the other consoles vs PS4 at this point. Sony has won. The other 2 should just focus on profitability and ride out the storm.