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Mnementh said:

Where are good to great games with small budget. Many japanese studios make great games without the need for this stuff and survive on small quantities sold.

Indie devs are already doing this and not charging $60.00 per game.  However, when you hit the $60/AAA area, you find generally that there are sacrifices made to better convey the studios vision.  Look at The Order.  It is getting hammered in reviews for sacrificing key elements for graphics.  Other games like Xenoblade, even though they are praised for being what they are, get dinged for character models and faces.  It's just the current reality games are faced with.  You can't have the complete perfect package at the $60.00 price point any more.  Those that somehow get there are the exception, not the rule.

So what it comes down to at the end of the day is making informed purchases and knowing what you are getting into.  I made the foolish mistake of buying the Watch Dogs season pass.  Now, I don't buy season passes.  I also don't do a ton of day 1 buys anymore.  The industry has some growing pains to go through with DLC and price points.  Once it gets past those, there will be a new element in play.  It's the nature of progressive business.