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ktay95 said:
Neodegenerate said:
Games not changing in price despite production costs going up over the years immediately kills this argument for me. DLC is a necessary evil to keep the profits flowing and the base price low for a lot of these companies/studios.

You dont think thats the issue then??

Sure that is an issue.  However, with the cost of production rising so should the cost of the item.  That is natural.  In the gaming industry that doesn't happen.  Instead, what the devs do is put out DLC to help supplement the dollars they need to continue meeting their goals and in some cases just stay in business.  Majority of people won't stand for a baseline increase from $60 to $70 per game.  They also complain when the additional content they want is priced at $10 instead.  

I can also guarantee that if we were still seeing 40 hour games for $60 that didn't have graphical advancement we have seen you would have people complaining that no one is pushing the envelope and trying to advance the medium.  The true issue is the fact that gamers want all the upsides of technological advancement with none of the downsides of it.  They want better things for cheaper costs.