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So here is a trend that I need to die in a firey car crash, games are losing all sense of longevity and instead rely on cheap parlor tricks to net you before you realize you just bought air.

Pre 2000s- Games like FFVII are everywhere, filled to the brim with content for a standard price (I think it was $40 then) You had your story which was about 40 hrs, your side stories, another 20, your distractions and unlockables, an extra 20hrs give or take your dedication. We had games like Crash bandicoot which offered levels upon levels of challenge and just when you thought you beat the game.........BAM unlocked a whole new area to play, probably put in about 80hrs in to this game too.

Now- Lucky to get anything outside of the bare minimum for what is now $20 more standardly. Then Developers have the audacity to still have their hand out for even more money vie DLC which was suppose to act as Expansion packs not micro transaction penny penching.

Who is Getting it WRONG!!!

Titanfall is only online which I always think is a lesser package because my enjoyment on it is dependant upon other people choosing to play the same game at the same time as me.....hate this practice. It is also why I could not do games like Warhawk.

Ryse and The Order, spent half a decade on creating Technologic Porn which sums up to about 6hr campaigns with no multiplayer(not Ryse), distractions, or anything to draw out longevity.

Evolve, which is basically a game you paid to play but get charged like its a F2P.


Who is Getting it RIGHT!!!!

Skyrim, full package of hours and hours of content to play in. And when the DLC was actually EXPANSIVE and not content withheld simply to gimp original package.

TLOU- a exemplary game of our time. It has a 15hr main story that is loaded with replay value to take in missed interactions, collectibles, etc. AND has multiplayer.

GTAV- 3 campaigns really, a sandbox of attractions, multiplayer, and DLC to keep you coming back.


Not every game has to be open world but can we at least get a complete package anymore??? I guess we have just become really spoiled by games lasting more than.... idk 20hrs from yesteryear, now Graphics has caused many games to sacrifice substance for flare.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)