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rolltide101x said:
Aeolus451 said:

In all honesty, used games' prices are a better indicator how well a game is doing. If it stays up there after a game has been out for a while, then the game is selling well compared to other games on the same console. Also if a game is being traded in a lot in a short span of time then it's used game price will probably drop quickly.

Both The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze have high used game prices. They are also ranked 8th and 9th on vgchartz.

Here's some other games for comparison. The Last of Us remastered is ranked 8th on vgchartz and priced similarly on GS.

Forza Motorsport 5 is ranked 8th on vgchartz and here is it's price on GS.

All of these games are $50 new on GS. 

i bought TLOU:R for 17$ last night. It is 100% because of Nintendo being hardheaded. Used prices do not drop because Nintendo does not drop new prices. 

I don't how you bought that for 17 haha. After I posted, I started to look at more of nintendo games on GS. The new and used game prices are extremely close for some reason. With other games, there's usually a big gap between the two. I don't know if the new and used prices being so close is because of GS or nintendo. Nintendo does drop their new prices but not like or at the same rate as other publishers and console makers. New prices for alot of their games were very different. 

None the less, I retract what I said about used and new prices adjusting to nintendo. Again, something else that nintendo likes to be different on.