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Bladeneo said:
Munkeh111 said:
Bladeneo said:
JUST managed to get a Konami ID after 3 days. Its a ballache guys; it was even erroring when I tried to confirm the link through my email.

Best thing to do is get something called autoformer for firefox. Just google it, if you somehow manage to get to the third page on the registration where you have to enter a shit load of details go to edit, auto former and save profile then it'll load up when you go on to that page again if it errors.

Tis how I got it working. Now just updating the Beta of MGO myself, hopefully it wont error.

You have to do the peer-peer download, I tried the download from their server, and it failed like three times, but leave it on overnight to download cause it will take a long time

 Its the peer-2-peer thats struggling. Anyway, its holding steady at the moment. 50% done in about 20 minutes.

It about 10 minutes to get 2% for me!