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ckmlb said:
Kojima said pretty recently that it's PS3 only (2 months ago maybe).

Ugh, how did this devolve into an MGS discussion again... not blaming you, Ck, but hoping you'll be the one to help me stop it. Can we please get back on topic?

Please keep in mind that I'm talking long term, here, not short. A lot of people in this thread have responded with "But PS3 has Lair and Uncharted coming and..." which is beside the point. I'm not talking this year. Heck, I'm not even necessarily talking this generation; I'm talking about the parallel strategies of these two companies over the next 5, 10 or 15 years, and how this strategy favors Microsoft long term, not Sony.

Both companies are using their video game consoles as trojans to push their company's other technologies, in and out of the actual video game arena. Both push tons of money at their consoles, and are willing to take a loss now for long term gains (or even long, long term gains). The problem is that Microsoft simply has a lot more money to push with, and the erosion of 3rd party exclusivity on the PS3 -- in comparison to its predeccesor -- is evidence of it.

They're playing the same game, but Microsoft is simply better prepared to play. Mind you, this doesn't mean Sony can't win. That's not what I'm saying. Instead, I simply believe that in order to win long term, Sony can't win this way. A new strategy is required.">">