man-bear-pig said: ...and here's why! There's stronger competition from the Xbone this year. Last year was a complete disaster for the Xbone until November time when they implemented their US price cut, and now that the Xbone is more competitively priced I can't see the PS4 dominating it (in terms of % marketshare) like it was in the first 10 months of 2014. Also, it has already sold less per week so far this year than it did in its lowest week last year back in May 2014, so if it's below that level now then how low will its' base sales be by May?! (traditionally the month with lowest console sales according to seece) 110k? 100k?! :0 There's also a general trend of people just using their consoles for netflix, Amazon instant video, etc. (like me I'm ashamed to say - haven't played a game in about a month) and now that people have smart TV's which they can satisfy their netflix urge with aswell as smartphones they can casually game on I can't see a gaming console being near the top of people's buying priorities as we move into the future. There's a few more minor reasons but these are the main ones and I'm rushed for time. So yeah, I think it'll sell less in 2015 than it did in 2014, which was 14,020,685. Thoughts? |
Overall I think both PS4 & XB1 will be up YoY.
Xbone has a better price now, but it's the games line up in November which improved Xbone's image, and this year it's a complete disaster in terms of games for 2 to 3 quarters so... we'll see what that does for it's sales.