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The way I look at it, it is up to Sony how much PS4 will sell. If they open the system up and make it just as versatile as a smartphone or tablet, then they can easily sell 200M units or more. If they continue as a limited function entertainment system that plays games, then they will be lucky to get past 100M.

As I have said multiple times, PlayStation Vue will be PS4's first big killer app. This will allow PS4 to knock every other box under the TV out to the curb. If Sony starts to take advantage of PSN by offering bundles and contracts, they could get PS4's entry price down in a matter of no time. Hell, they could offer a zero down PS4 if you sign up for 2 years of PS Vue, PS Music, PS Now, and PS+. Offers like this would put PS4 in a market no console has ever entered.

Using PSN as a backbone, Sony can build a massive userbase, and garner nearly full support of the software development community. This will open up the doors to PS4 being a legitimate PC/Mac replacement, and give them an oppertunity to launch a PlayStation Phone that can go toe to toe with Android and iOS.

Put all of the above together, and Sony can find itself as one of the most powerful companies in the world again. Put all of it together, and PlayStation 4 can become on of the best selling devices ever.

Beyond that, and getting back to what we already know. Sony has the biggest and most diverse 1st party game Studio in the world. They have not even scratched the surface of what they or the system is capable of. We still have Gran Turismo and a true Racing Wheel comming down the road. Uncharted is still yet to hit the system. God of War boiling in the pits of hell. Plus we have many studios that previously were off doing Vita games now working on PS4 projects. Sony 1st party alone will be launching well polished major exclusives nearly every other month starting this month, and there is no end in sight.

Then there are 3rd party and Indie titles. Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Batman, The Witcher, PGA Tour, Oblivion, Mass Effect, non of these titles have seen an entry on next gen consoles. Call of Duty, Battlefield, Need For Speed, Madden, NBA 2K, and many more have still not went PS4/XBO only. So many big 3rd party titles left to pull fans to the console. Then there are the innovative, new, and unique indie titles that are comming which will please hardcore gamers, and open things up to people that may not have found what they are looking for yet.

Finally, Price. I know I mentioned it above in a hypothetical way, but in a more sensible way the console is still $399. No console has ever sold this well at this price, and no console has ever sold its best untell it hit $299. With the games above, and hundereds of dollars worth the price cuts wiating in the background the future of the PS4 looks bright. Add in PS Vue, and a major expansion in functionallity, and the possabilities are endless.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams