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Nuvendil said:
Ok, let's be more clear. It's not being used in unique ways to do things that couldn't be done without it. It's a good additive to games, but it does nothing exceptionally special in most cases.

For example, a game where one player does one thing completely different from the others on the gamepad in a sort of vs mode. Like the sort of tower defense setup they had with that Project Guard game at E3: you could have one player control the fortress and its contraptions on the gamepad and the others try to navigate it.

Kirby is a good use as it has asymmetrical co-op.

Games with input setups too complicated for a traditional controler would be a nice use. For example, mech games with complex controls. Most controllers lack the needed number of inputs (having 14 buttons and 2 analogue sticks). The Gamepad doesn't have that issue because of the touch screen.

An Etrian Odyssey game would be a great game that would need the gamepad.

Those are just some ideas of better, more unique uses.

Hasn't this been done? Like Nintendo Land, Zombie U multiplayer. Haven't play Epic Micky 2 but I hear it's used in that game.  It could be used more but it has been done. Agian, use the pad as needed and not trying to force it is the key. If the Wii U was more popular you would see more games on it doing what you suggested.