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Anyone who is still trying to get an ID: that firefox extension that ckmlb mentions at the top is very useful.

When you are at the website, hit "record" on imacro extension and click register on the konami id site then select your birthdate. Then hit stop and save it as #1 or something so it's at the top of your favorites. I found that if I included the click of "next" in the macro, it would always give me the inactivity error, but if you use the macro then wait a second you'll get to the next page more often. Or you can just select the date again...

Then click agree to the terms and conditions, of course. That page nearly always works for me.

Most importantly, hit "record" again on the page where you enter all your information in. Enter it all in by hand so the macro records it. Then hit "stop." Now, save the macro as #2 or something. Very important for this 2nd macro: go to "edit macro" and take out the line that says something like "URL GOTO=" that is in the macro. The link needs to be taken out so the macro doesn't try to reload the page. If you do have the #1 macro, you can leave in that link so you don't have to click "register" every time, but the #2 macro won't work with it. After you edit the macro, make sure you click "refresh macros" so the edit takes effect.

Now, every time you make it to the page where you have to enter in all your information, all you have to do is hit "play" on that #2 macro and your information, including your passwords (they are encrypted), will be entered in automatically. Then click next.

When I finally figured out the macro thing, this worked on the first try. Maybe I just got lucky, but entering in the information always took too long and I got the inactivity error.

Also, the extension "fasterfox" might help the pages load faster. It seemed to help me.