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Chazore said:
Munkeh111 said:

The implication was console games. There will probably be a lot more entirely broken PC games to add to the list if we want to go down that route. The acceptable broken levels are higher with PC games than console exclusives, certainly in my opinion

Because Halo has always been about multiplayer primarily. Sure they did a good job in SP, but the multiplayer is still entirely broken (apparently)

Drive Club does now work fine, despite the fact that they haven't released the PS + edition. Weather is a great addition (and was never promised for launch) and they've added a decent amount of free content

I'm only saying Halo MCC loses because it is still broken. I do own AC and Drive Club, but I only bought Drive Club in January whereas I got Unity at launch. I did wait a few days to play it because I was busy, but even then it worked fine. 

So yes, I don't hugely who "wins" this poll, so long as it's not Unity. The stories of broken-ness are not based on reality

I wasn't getting that implication considering the word console was not mentioned, then again I forgot how welcoming console users are to multiplat and PC only people on here, my mistake for not knowing.

I also forgot that there's such a thing deemed as "acceptable levels" when it comes to PC ports, no need to bother with those, it;s ok since it happens all the time which means it's both ok and acceptable.

Designing games for PC is much harder given the difficulty in dealing with different configurations. Things just break more frequently on PC, it's a fact

Despite the fact there's still PS+ edition which was promised but still hasn't arrived somehow means it's totes fine but when Halo's Multiplayer eneds a bit of patching that will be fixed sooner than the fabled PS+ version that somehow means it's not fine, I could also tell the thumbs up part where you listed weather being agreat addition and not promised, that's not a factor into a game being broken, dunno why you decided to throw that in (It's also a nice sign of "who I stand with" approach), you don't even own MCC but you're willing to throw down unknown judgement?.

The lack of a PS+ version doesn't mean the game is broken. By all accounts the game has been fixed and they've continued to support the game well. Halo MCC doesn't by all accounts based on the internet.

As you may have got from my last sentence, all I care about is that Unity doesn't lose. I don't have strong opinion on the other two

Also the "it worked fine for me" doesn't mean it worked fine for everyone, it's the same with people who encountered RROD and YLOD vs people who said "mine didn't do that"=it's never an issue at all, your non encountered issues does not equate to alls right with the world and it never will, it's not some fact that will suddenly overwrite everyone else who encounters a problem and still has issues and it means nothing to those that still have them.

" The stories of broken-ness are not based on reality" = "I think people are crazy while I'm sane and based" is what that sounds like, when you face recordings and written statements of the issues people ecnounter your "not based in reality" statement is false, it;s false ebcause people still encounter issues anyway, you make is sound like ubisoft games are the most perfectly coded games in all of gaming history, don't pull the "words in my mouth", you make it sound exactly like that with how you accept what has transpired and ignore track history willingly to win a debate, especially throwing in the "nuh uh no PC discussion allowed, console only!" where there was none set in stone, you can imply all you want but I saw no words, yours does not overwrite my own sight.

I have been told that Unity has an unplayable framerate, it doesn't. That's just a fact. Posting faceless pictures is deciptful given that it was an issue that was very swiftly patched out and only ever appeared in pre-release code.

I've said that Unity is buggy and doesn't have a good framerate, but that is not broken. There were stories about the game being broken, but they were just blown out of proprotion because of the anti-Ubi bandwagon. They've been cutting corners for years and sticking microtransactions in games. They also put retarded (I can't think of any other word for it) uPlay and stuff integration with those stupid chests (and they mark locked chests on the map, but then have other chests which aren't locked but are behind a door).

Ubi did a lot of stupid things with Unity. But the game was not anywhere near as broken as many people on the internet would have us believe