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Chazore said:
Munkeh111 said:

This discussion is about console games. The PC industry has significant challenges in terms of poor quality ports and that is a larger discussion than just this. It is also a much harder job to make a PC game without weird things happening. I've read Dragon Age Inquisition has huge issues on PC, yet I've had no issues with it at all, only one bug with a man stuck with his lower body in a hill. It just made me laugh

AC Unity fundamentally works in the vast majority of case. Halo MCC fundamentally doesn't (apparently) and Drive Club didn't (apparently).

All I can say for sure is that AC Unity on PS4 is a very long way from a broken game. 

Umn actually no it's entirely not, please point out to me where it describes "console games only"within the OP, afaik Unity is a multiplat title, chugging on consoles as well as PC is a problem, not soemthing you should shrug off either, just because you find it minor does not mean we all do, please keep that in mind.

Was Halo MCC all about the multiplayer though, you didn't answer about the whole single player's reason to exist part, if that functions normally then it works, Unity had issues with both singleplayer and co-op across the board, hell you've got DC and the other version they've yet to promise with the updates being held off firsthand and then added later, still no other version promised, if you want to hold MCC you'll have to hold DC and Unity along with it.

The implication was console games. There will probably be a lot more entirely broken PC games to add to the list if we want to go down that route. The acceptable broken levels are higher with PC games than console exclusives, certainly in my opinion

Because Halo has always been about multiplayer primarily. Sure they did a good job in SP, but the multiplayer is still entirely broken (apparently)

Drive Club does now work fine, despite the fact that they haven't released the PS + edition. Weather is a great addition (and was never promised for launch) and they've added a decent amount of free content

I'm only saying Halo MCC loses because it is still broken. I do own AC and Drive Club, but I only bought Drive Club in January whereas I got Unity at launch. I did wait a few days to play it because I was busy, but even then it worked fine. 

So yes, I don't hugely who "wins" this poll, so long as it's not Unity. The stories of broken-ness are not based on reality