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AnthonyW86 said:
Aeolus451 said:
The Fury said:

I'd say those are fine. They aren't you missing out on content, just paying to progress quicker. You can still get all the content by playing the game, no?

Of course this is in the knowledge that they are essentially what used to be cheats back in the day. Skins are what use to be unlockables. :P

DLC sucks, might be a reason why I never buy any.

I just don't like the fact they aren't really earning their progression in the game and that the game dev/pub is selling that to players. I buy some DLC like expansion packs or sometimes cosmetic stuff.


Personally i think playing a game just unlock certain things is a waste of time. If a game has good singleplayer and you unlock everything in one playthrough it's fine but sometimes you have to replay or keep playing to unlock things. Especially if a game is mainly about the multiplayer.


In fact unlock DLC is the only DLC i ever bought. For example i bought Sports Champions for local multiplayer and then i discovered i hade to play many hours of singleplayer just unlock certain levels and characters for multiplayer. So i bought the unlock DLC for like 3 bucks, the hours of time i saved with that are way more valuable to me than 3 bucks.


And i will never buy any content DLC unless i really have the feeling it's conent that they probably couldn't have implemented in the original release. I'm not going to support the habbit from developers to withhold content from a game and try to make more money of it later. In fact in light of the massive amount of day one DLC for Evolve i have decided not to buy the game, and maybe pick up a used copy later.

I guess we're opposites on that then. Honestly, I'll probably pick up the game later on too because I was interested in the game itself and not it's dlc.