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EricFabian said:
It will be more powerfull than PS4

If it's just slightly more powerful than the PS4, like the Wii U is to the PS3/360, the same exact thing will repeat. 

Unless they have a gimmick controller that saves them again, but somehow I don't think that's going to happen. That's not something you can just snap your fingers and order up like a plate of french fries. 

Wii was lightning in a bottle, one of those things that happens once every 30 years. It's not going to happen again for a long time. 

The other problem with making a controller the basis of your console is that anyone can copy a controller. Analog stick, rumble pak, Wiimote (Move/Kinect) were all copied and there's nothing you can do about it. Once its copied it ceases to be a special function, it becomes normalized. 

Even if the Wii U tablet was a hit feature with gamers, the problem is Sony/MS would've immediately copied it (and not waited 3 years either), you could see Sony was already even kinda hedging against it with the touch panel on the PS4 controller and they were rumored to have experimented with a touchscreen on the controller too. Both also offered some form remote play as well.