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I love scary movies.  The atmosphere, the monsters, the tension, the thrills and chases.  Nothing gets my blood pumping at the movies like a well done scary movie.

So why am I frustrated? Because so many "scary" movies are crap.  They rely not on scaring you, but startling you with quick cuts or loud noises.  It is lame and had me really down on the whole genre.

Then I saw this Australian movie...

If you like horror, see this.  I think it is done at theaters, but should be coming out on DVD soon.  I don't want to spoil too much, but holy crap is this well done.  Small budget and all, it freaked me out and gave me genuine sense of dread and fear.  Thank you Australia for making something that reminds me what this can be when it isn't just trying to be cheap and jump out at me.