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Frank_kc said:
isnt he a terrorist? or is that only a sticky for Muslims?

I bet if the killing was made by Muslims, it will be all over the news and they would call him a terrorist. And since the killer in this case is a white American, he will be accused of being Psycho and will never be called a terrorist.

Next Question: is Timothy Mcveigh an American Terrorist?......

Timothy McVeigh is indeed labeled as an American terrorist.

Not sure I would call a guy killing 3 people over a parking dispute a terrorist though. To be honest I think that term is used way too loosely.

Now, if this shooter was Muslim and the victims were white/black/hispanic/etc... would he be considered a terrorist? If this person was found to be linked to a terrorist group or something along those lines, then yes. If it was over a parking dispute, no.

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