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Mr_No said:
OfficerRaichu15 said:
Mr_No said:
OfficerRaichu15 said:

sometimes wonder

is the mom has the rights

why doesnt the baby have any XD

Dunno. Maybe it has to do that the law doesn't recognizes the child as a natural person until he's out of the mother's womb.

just doesnt make sense that yeah the Mom has rights but why dont babies

arent they humans too?

Babies still on gestation are living beings but still attached to the mother by the umbilical cord. The law doesn't consider the baby a natural person until it has been born and the cord has been cut. I think this is why abortion is permitted, because it isn't killing a natural person. I might be wrong there. But I do agree with you. There needs to be some regulations on these kinds of procedure.

Of course "the law" varies greatly from country to country.