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curl-6 said:
RolStoppable said:

I like your revisionist history. If that untapped audience was so clear ten years ago, then how come that the entire industry, including analysts, was completely caught off guard?

Because they didn't think it was viable. Nintendo proved them wrong.

There was no reason for anyone to go that route anyway really. 

Sony was coming off the PS2 (which crushes the Wii's LTD to this day), so they had no incentive to change direction. 

Microsoft was only in the business to directly counter Sony because they were afraid Sony might try to trojan horse the successful Playstation against their OS monopoly (shoulda paid attention to Apple instead, Microsoft). So MS staying directly on the same route as Sony was basically locked in too. 

Nintendo was the only that was kind of becoming the third wheel and when Sony threatened their 'sanctuary' in the Game Boy brand, they had no choice but to find a new way. 

Problem is today there is no uncontested demographic that Nintendo can turn to where they can try to make inroads with little/no push back from competetion. 

They either deal with Sony/MS on one side using the business model that they invented with the NES, or they have to find an answer against Apple/Google on the other end who don't play by any of Nintendo's rules ($40-$60 games? Nope, developers can charge $1 or even give them away for free).