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curl-6 said:
RolStoppable said:

curl, I have to give up on explaining lateral thinking with withered technology because you show no effort of understanding what it means.

I did answer your question, you just didn't like the answer. Nintendo should go after a mythical audience, for real. Turn back the clock ten years and people would say that there is nowhere to go for Nintendo because the core market is controlled by Sony and Microsoft while the people who are currently not buying consoles will definitely not buy consoles in the future. It's a good thing that Nintendo didn't believe in that back then, and it will be good for them if they don't believe in that now.

Doesn't seem a great idea to me, hedging your bets on an audience that may not even exist. It worked ten years ago because there was a clear untapped audience, but where's the clear untapped audience today, and what makes you think Nintendo could tap them even if they are out there? Sounds to me like stakng everything on a miracle.

Yeah I don't see it either. What audience is out there today that doesn't already have their gaming needs fairly well filled? 

Boys (Age 6-14): Smart Devices when they're younger, as they get older they graduate towards consoles and desperately want violent games that their older brother is playing. 

Girls (Age 6-14): Complete and utter domination by Smart Devices. Smartphones/Tablets have more female players than the Wii/DS could even dream of. 

Men (15-40+): PS4/XB1 is the home console of choice for big budget/deeper games/sports sims. When on the go, smartphones are good for short gaming sessions.

Casual Women (15-40+): Smart Devices. Allllll day. Not only is the iPhone the center of most women's social lives/networking, it's a fashion accessory. Nintendo isn't even in the equation. Plus, smartphone games are actually easier to play than most of Nintendo's games, no buttons > even B/A. 

Lapsed Gamer (25-40+): Played Pac-Man or Mario World back in the day, but outgrew gaming, has other life priorities, spending 40 hours on a video game doesn't fit. Smart Devices claim this crowd too. Lots of simple, easy to pick up and play games like Candy Crush that can be had for free/cheap. 

Seniors (50-60+): OK here Nintendo might have a small opening, but seriously, does a senior citizen need a game console? This is a dying audience (literally). 

Before Smart Devices, several of those categories were wide open for Nintendo, but now they're not. Nintendo's success with the wider audience was really with women. But women are the biggest driving force of smartphone gaming, they game more on smartphones than men do.