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RolStoppable said:
curl-6 said:

Wii U and 3DS used established, outdated, and relatively inexpensive internal components. CPU, GPU, RAM, all withered tech. The extra costs came from the "lateral thinking" side of the equation; the tablet, for instance.

What would you suggest they do? You talk about "reaching beyond the Nintendo fanboys", but to who else would you have them reach, if not the dudebros? Children and the Wii crowd have moved on to smartphones. 


Anyway, the Wii's success wasn't all on motion controls. Nintendo actually made honest efforts to win back the people that bought an NES, but eventually quit console gaming when it all became about console wars and Nintendo's software output ultimately became what we know as the GC library. Most Nintendo fans on this forum hold the N64 and GC eras in high regard. However, these two consoles were failures, so reality doesn't line up with what is idealized as Nintendo's best periods of software. The Wii was a strong statement by Nintendo that the N64 and GC weren't the cream of the crop. On one hand, that means that the people who loved those consoles are often the most vocal detractors of the Wii direction. But on the other hand, that led to success for Nintendo. So to bring this post to an end (finally), Nintendo should do what pisses off the people who put the N64, GC and Wii U above the Wii.

Kids drove the NES to the bulk of its sales. The NES was hottest toy of its day. I was 9 when I got my NES, today a 9 year old wants an iPad or XBox. 

The NES and SNES eras were better than the GCN, N64, or Wii eras. But times have changed. 

And to your point about satisified customers not wanting to switch, that's true, but it doesn't just apply to dudebros. Casuals are very, very happy with the gaming they get on the iPhone, especially at the price they're getting it at. It serves them well and there are tons of new games all the time. 

I had many casual friends that bought a Wii, but today they love playing on their iPhone or Galaxy and are even happier with what they're getting now vs. the Wii. 

Petty arguements between Nintendo factions doesn't really mean jack shit in the big picture. If you have to bend over backwards to convince people that they should want a Nintendo console, then maybe the problem begins right there. A lot of people simply don't need a Nintendo console period. They make some great games, but that doesn't entitle them to have a piece of the home console market.