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RolStoppable said:
curl-6 said:

1. And yet Sony was able to make PS4 relatively up-to-date power wise without breaking the bank. Heck, even Nintendo has done so in the past with SNES, N64, GCN.

2. They might be left with no choice eventually, if they keep letting their userbase decline.

3. The dudebro demographic are the lifeblood of today's console market, as seen in PS4's explosive sales. If you don't sell to them, your sales will be limited.

1. Doesn't change that you've been wrong on that point. Someone can't still do something if they stopped doing said something.

2. How's that even an answer? Have you forgotten what your initial point was?

3. And if you do try to sell to them, there is not necessarily success, as seen in the Xbox One's continued struggles. Now factor in that Nintendo wouldn't just be going up against PlayStation, but also Xbox. Nevermind that the suggestion that dudebros would consider a Nintendo console as a possible option is simply laughable. But leaving that bias against Nintendo aside, people don't switch brands if they are satisfied. Therefore successfully catering to dudebros would require that both Sony and Microsoft mess up really badly. Any strategy that relies on someone else's failures to work is like playing the lottery because absolutely everything has to go your way.

While I don't think the XBox One is doing terribly, I actually agree with that third point, lol. 

Sony hasn't given Nintendo much to capitalize on, unlike Nintendo they simply don't make a lot of mistakes. The big mistake they've made in 20 years in the business was the $600 PS3 (which really was forced onto them as an effort to push the Blu-Ray movie format). Aside from that on the console front, they've given Nintendo virtually nothing to take advantage of. 

I guess the PS2 was a bit hard to program for, but Sony played the rest of that gen perfectly so much so that they basically won the cycle before Nintendo/MS could even mobilize. So developers had no choice but to develop primarily for the PS2. 

Throw MS into the mix and everything becomes too crowded. If MS wasn't in the industry then Nintendo would have some leeway to work back into the center of the console business, but as it is right now, it's just too hard. It's a tough industry.