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curl-6 said:
RolStoppable said:

1. Don't you realize that the vast majority of Nintendo's losses this generation came from not doing that? Neither the 3DS or Wii U were designed with that mindset, hence why both have excessively expensive components that have significantly impacted Nintendo's bottom line.

2. Yes, it looks like they won't go third party.

3. This would only be a negative thing if they tried to do it again, because trying it would negatively impact their systems' designs and therefore drastically lower their sales potential.

What we already know that Nintendo has learned is that they can't trust third parties, hence why they are going to prioritize an increase in output of first party software. When third parties complained that Nintendo software is too dominant, Nintendo tried to give more focus to third party software. The result was that their hardware didn't sell and subsequently third party software didn't sell, making the situation worse than it ever was before. Nintendo was left with struggling systems while third parties simply abandoned the ship and didn't look back. The nutcase approach to solve Nintendo's problems would be to reach out to third parties and listen to their demands, but thankfully it doesn't look like Nintendo is going to do that. Instead they are going to put things in place to grow their installed base as quickly and consistently as possible which subsequently will attract third parties because sales are really the only language that's going to matter. You don't get anywhere by appealing to goodwill, and paying off third parties is not a healthy and sustainable approach in the long term.

1. And yet Sony was able to make PS4 relatively up-to-date power wise without breaking the bank. Heck, even Nintendo has done so in the past with SNES, N64, GCN.

2. They might be left with no choice eventually, if they keep letting their userbase decline.

3. The dudebro demographic are the lifeblood of today's console market, as seen in PS4's explosive sales. If you don't sell to them, your sales will be limited.

Unfortunately yeah I think this is the truth. 

The console market is a very different place today than it was say in the 90s. It's almost 100% dominated by Western consumers and devs.