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A_C_E said:
platformmaster918 said:
A_C_E said:
platformmaster918 said:

obviously it's more prevalent in Pat's fans.  These controversies don't just spring up out of nowhere and I snicker when they say it's just because they win.  1st of all you're not the first team to win 4 superbowls have some perspective lol.  Second of all how come other dominant teams like the Spurs, Steelers, Giants, and (baseball) Giants haven't had their legacies outright destroyed by cheating?  Look clearly Belicheck has the right connections by getting away with filming his way to three superbowls and yet only getting a $500,000 fine and a draft pick taken without any records being struck as it should have been but hey Gooddell is an A-hole so I'm not surprised to hear about them being best buds.  At least Goodell is taking care of the pot smokers while letting dog murderers and people murderers and cheaters prosper.

omg, its not obviously more prevalent in Pat's fans where'd you get that info??? From the internet and the ten people you've talked to about New England, obvious. lol

Oh please...don't act like you know my perspective based off of anything you've seen me type here in this thread, it makes no sense to do so. I know the Patriots aren't the first team to win 4 superbowls, never said they were...where did that come from? Your ignorance has already shown throughout this thread but please, continue to conspire and call out everyone else randomly for not having perspective.

At the end of the day the superbowl was awesome to watch and very controversial with exciting plays all around down to the last minute, wouldn't want it any other way. You can sit here and taint New Englands legacy all you want (it won't do anything), NE are the champs and won the superbowl fair and square.

I don't doubt they won that game fair and square.  Also I'm not the one tainting it the investigations, reports, and sentences both future and past have done that.  I am ignorant just because I don't dismiss all allegations as conspiracy?  Guess that's one way to go about things.

If New England was so tainted why is it that the New England Patriots were cheered upon just as much as Seattle was during the superbowl. At the end of the game the fans were booing the fact Seattle and New England players fighting each other, then the cheers hit again once time ran out and NE won the superbowl. I don't think 'tainted' is the word your looking for. I think the word your looking for is 'opinion'.

Belicheat received lots of boos actually

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