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jclock said:
What people are forgetting is the major advancements in technology we have had. Let's use Moore's Law that states and I quote from wikipedia " is the observation that, over the history of computing hardware, the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years."

Using this:

Look at the history, there is a constant line of upgrades with PowerPC and the last major one for x86 is x86-64 (I wouldn't call multi-core processing an upgrade, multi-CPU ability has been around for ages, i've seen boards with 2 P4s in them.

So yes, I see Nintendo absorbing the Wii U in it's new console in 4 or 5 years with the next portable running on the same architecture for easy porting. Power PC is here to stay and chances are it will be running on a higher clocked hex core or something for their next console

I think PowerPC is out. ARM will be the CPU for both the portable and home variants. But maybe they can come up with some hardware/dev kit tweaks that allow for easier porting even on the CPU side. GPU will likely be AMD as they've been hinting at that, so that should be much easier to match. 

PowerPC runs way too hot for a portable too.