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Christ the responses on this thread were more cynical than I'd originally thought, I don't see it anywhere where he spat on everyone and said their choices or prefs in platforms was factually wrong, that PC was the ebst in the universe (come on take my words out of context since people already took OP's, complete the circle), I may not have known the OP at all but jesus there's no need to for me to come on here and be super jaded for no reason, he simply stated his goobye and that he wanted to transfer to PC since this gen didn't offer him what he wanted, those of you who chose and decided on purpose that he insulted you personally need to get that stick right out of your arse and get down to reality, you only prove his point from the start and you prove my own, this place can feel proper unwelcoming, not because of numbers but because of people behaving like someone pissed in their cornflakes and need to take it out on someone randomly, namely the OP, yall who say nothing good really had no reason to comment but you came anyway to piss because you decided to feel like you were personally pissed on, stop that crap, it's childish.

I can't help but feel less empathetic towards people these days that act in such a way, why should I give those people a chance if they aren't willing to give one in the first place?.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"