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binary solo said:
Insidb said:
binary solo said:
Insidb said:

Dact: If we use use MS' numbers the X1's 2014 sales are overtracked by ~200K on VGC.

In other words, the X1's sales totals for 2015 would have to be 0 units to account for MS's public statements.

Actually VGC's LTD at 3 Jan is not outside the realms of possibility compared to what can only be an estimate of XB one's lifetime shipments. There is enough uncertainty in the system that 10.99 millon is a reasonable LTD. It is sufficiently lower than a reasonable guess at LTD shipments that the number is believable. A higher number is nor really believable, but a lower number, is believable. However there isn't any verifiable evidence to indiacte a lower number is more believable than teh current number.

To assure you that I am not pulling numbers out of thin air (happens quite often on here):

3.08M (2013 VGC estimate) + 
7.68M (2014 MS announcement) + 
0.12M (1/10 Week VGC estimate) = 

Where does the 7.68M come from? I haven't seen that number before. I thought the only reasonable estimate we had from MS was shipment of ~11.9M LTD as at the end of the December 2014 quarter. And talk has largely been about whether there is more or less or about 1 million Xb ones on shop selves around the world. IIRC MS announced ~ 4 million shipped in 2013. If you add that to 7.68M shipped (which I assume is shipped if it's a MS announcement) puts Xb one shipments at officially over 11 million and very likely more than 11.5M. Less than 0.5 million on shop shelves is unlikely, IMO, just coming out of the holidays, but if the LTD shipments is substantially above 11.5 million at the end of 2014 then current VGC LTD estimates are within reason.


MS made an announcement for their 2014 sales; the article was posted last week or the week before. If you give a minute, I can find it for you.