mornelithe said:
platformmaster918 said:
MTZehvor said:
"Until 2007?" Let's keep in mind here that the act of video taping from the location that they were video taping from didn't even become illegal until 2006 anyway; meaning that at best, you could convict the Patriots of cheating during the 2006 season and 1 quarter of the first game of the 2007 season. The only reason this is considered such a big deal is because the Boston Herald published an article claiming that the Patriots had taped the Rams' defensive walkthroughs before the 2001 Super Bowl, which turned out to be false and was retracted by the Herald later on. So as far as Spygate goes, you have evidence of video taping from a certain location which wasn't even illegal until after the Patriots won the last of their 3 Super Bowls. Congratulations; at best, you've shown that the Patriots' 2006 AFC Championship run might be suspicious and literally nothing else.
As for the footballs being deflated, two things. First off, 10 out of the 11 deflated footballs weren't even significantly below the 12.5 lower limit; meaning that while Belichick's explanation may not hold true if the balls were 2 PSI below the legal limit, it may very well hold true for the lower amount that they were (whatever that was, we still have no details). Beyond all that, though, the referees didn't even log the football PSI before the game; meaning that there's no official record that the footballs were even in the legal range to begin with.
Basically, anyone attempting to pin anything on New England for Deflategate has nothing but speculation to go on at best at this point. If you're going to whine about cheating; at least wait until the official findings are published.
except it was illegal because the NFL fined them and took away a draft pick. What did they punish them for nothing lol. Hell even Bob Ryan a Boston sports writer who is naturally more biased towards the Patriots acknowledges Spygate and of course the original legacy tainter the tuck rule play which didn't even apply since Brady had his hand back on the ball before the fumble occured. Forever tainted in any objective person's mind. They're the White Sox of our generation.
My god, this is almost too perfect:
yeah they won fair and square in this game lol no ones is disputing that. They were already caught on both accounts. Geez such denial from Pats fans