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Maelstrome said:
TheJimbo1234 said:

No, I have met many people undergoing/gone therapy and it only works so well. It works best pre puberty, but again, sex organs won't develop so the results are always limit. You just clealry are happy to go with anything so that makes you very biased straight away.

Saying it only works so well is vague so ill leave that one alone.

Point being the bio chem between trans and cis is closer than you realise. Keep in mind we were talking about hormones being replaced. The trans women that I have known talked about how there testosterone levels had been reduced to that of cis women.

Yes Trans women even after sex reassignment surgery still cant have children. Medical science will get there eventually.

On you calling me biased, I do not care whether or not people are willing to have intimate relationships with trans individuals, But when people think that it is just a choice,wrong,sin and that kind of stuff, i will speak up. It is a medical issue and should be treated as such. Reparaitive therapy and other such things have been shown ineffective. Transitioning has shown the best results,even more so when done as a replacement puberty.

You for some reason assume I don't realise - I do. But what happens is still not enough for most people. As I said, hormone theraphy does not change genetics ergo changes that happen during puberty are not solved etc. They may reduce testosterone, but what about their estrogen levels etc? They won't have the natural fluctuation in them as women do.

No one has said it is choice. As I have said, I know many people who have gone under gender reassignment. The only factor here is that you need to realise that the vast majority of people would not be comfortable dating such a wide range of folks like you have as most folks are just hetrosexual.


Wright said:
Gilgamesh said:

No it'd be to confusing, women are already complicated enough.

So are men.

No, men really are not. They are reknown for being straight forward and simple.