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atari - space invaders
nes - double dribble
snes - street fighter II
genesis - mortal kombat (it was fugbly but had fatalities sooo WOW)
game gear - every game i owned coz it was colored and portable.
lynx - like the game gear, every games i owned coz of the same reason
playstation - final fantasy VII, xenogears, parasite eve 1 and 2, vagrant story, gran tourismo
dreamcast - skies of arcadia
ps2 - gt2, shadow hearts 1 and 2
xbox - jade empire
wii - ummm... yeah... sorry but nuthin
ps3 - heavy rain, uncharted, mgs4
x360 - the rrod made me go WOW with anger...
3ds - everything coz 3d!
psvita - gravity rush