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HylianSwordsman said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

I am pretty pumped that she's helping with Mirrors Edge to make the female protagonist as badass as possible. I am also a feminist (but foremost egilitarian) and even though I don't always agree with her words, she does bring up good points. When she won the Embassador Award at the Game Developers Choice award, Neil Druckman (who who introduced her) spoke about her influence on the character of Ellie in the Last of Us. In my honest opinion, Ellie is the most empowered female character ever created and has so much to learn in her story growth about survival. If she had an influence on that character, I really wouldnt mind her influencing the female protagonist in Mirrors Edge. I understand that she bites when she talks about subjects, but someone has to do it. If not her, then who?

As someone who signed a petition to get rid of her, addressed to EA, I can tell you that the petition got a response directly from EA that Anita Sarkeesian is not, and never was, working on Mirror's Edge 2.


As for why the hate, it has nothing to do with her criticism, but with her hypocrisy. Having sex with people to get favors in gaming journalism is terrible, especially for a feminist. A real feminist would have exposed them for the scum they are, not joined in the corruption of gaming journalism. I'm a feminist, and support better representation of women in gaming, but I would never support someone like her who sets women back.

Dude... Anita had nothing to do with the sex scandal, it was Zoey Quinn. She is reason Gamergate started because her boyfriend ratted her out to the world after she cheated on him with a writer from Kotaku. The rumor that caused Gamergate was because of the rumor that she was giving sex for good reviews for her game. This was debunked (which pretty much knocked the legs out from under Gamergate) and caused a media shitstorm when people attacked Anita Sarkeesian for speaking out against Misogyny in gaming. Zoey Quinn did recieve a lot of misogynist statements from people and it caused a hail of crazed press until the mainstream media took notice. Kotaku investigated the situation and confirmed that he was never reviewing her game to begin with, she just felt like cheating, which was on her. The statements that were thrown her way were quite misogyist.

Zoey's boyfriend ended up starting a shitstorm to get back at his ex and because Anita spoke out against the sexism she became a threat to the status quo outside of criticizing games.