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It's honestly not at all tough to read through. I don't actually think a summary is needed, because most is common sence, but I just made a list of some things I either didn't know myself, or thought needed emphasising.

But you should just read the whole thing yourselves. It's organized well and should take no more than like 3 minutes to browse through. You'll pretty much take everything in.

 Here's just some of the rules that stuck out to me (for no particular reason):

Thread Titles: 

  • Should use full names rather than abbreviations (StarCraft instead of SC. Star Control 2 instead of SC2. Soul Calibur 3 instead of SC3. SimCity 4 instead of SC4).
  • Should use proper capitalization (no CAPS), grammar, and spelling. -----This thread kinda breaks that rule... Just saying. :P-----
  • Should not include inappropriate language

Thread Content:

  • Threads are only "official" if a moderator says so (to get Moderator approval, you must contact a moderator and they must be the one to approve your idea/title for an "Official" thread).

Substance. Content is king for all posts and threads. Threads breaking the following rules and/or lacking content can and will be locked. Some tips to keep you and your posts out of trouble:

  • Poster Above You threads, Voting threads, Elimination threads, and the like require moderator approval. If you do not have it, the thread will be locked, and if you are a repeat offender, you will be moderated. Note that an approved thread may still be locked by the Lead Moderators.
  • Do not only post a link, or a copy-pasted article. At the very least avoid committing plagiarism by giving credit to the original author of the piece. Providing original context or commentary is also highly encouraged.

Insults and flaming:

  • Similarly, avoid discussing the user who created the thread in a negative, insulting, or accusational fashion, rather than discussing the thread topic itself. If you feel a topic is baiting, trolling or rule-breaking, report it.