^^ I do understand that the right thing to do isn't always possible due to so many lawyers ruling the world these days.
However, I do feel like it would improve the game. And we may see something similar to that effect once the final ramifications of the concussion situation reverberate through the league. Legal hits can still be brutally hard, but the 'lower your head' and drill someone with your helmet, or outright headhunting should be left in the past. It has seriously harmed way too many players for it to be brushed under the rug forever. And no, it's definitely impossible to make football a 'safe' sport, but a much cleaner league is still easily possible by making it a matter of $ and sense. You can bet that if it means losing at minimum 1/16th of their income for the year, that players would be hugely more prone to wrapping people up heads-up than drilling someone helmet to helmet with either cursory pantomiming of a tackle-like move, or often not even that. Same thing goes for launching at the knees of another player. Man up and tackle like a man instead of playing like a cheap piece of shit.
We need penalties for refs making bad calls and no calls as well. That Lions-Cowboys game should have had DPI AND holding called on Dallas, and facemask called on the receiver. The fact that they botched it that badly with the total flag pickup was an atrocity, and that's far from the only horrendous work by the refs this year. You can look at any single game and probably find several terrible missed calls or incorrect calls.